Publisher's Weekly Spring 2016 Listings!
Check out, THERE ONCE WERE STARS, listed in Publisher's Weekly with other amazing authors!

Festival of Words 2015
I volunteered at this year's Festival of Words in Moose Jaw, SK. What a wonderful weekend it was. I met a number of amazing authors and...

Editing begins!!
Round one of edits begins, along with some YA study time. THERE ONCE WERE STARS is really happening next year!!

Always keep learning...
Getting ready to finish up my Creative Writing certificate through University of Calgary. My course list for the Summer/Fall 2015. Also...

Camp out with a Good Book!
Look where I've been invited as an author! I'll be sharing my children's chapter book "How to Catch an Erdgeist." If you're a Lindale...

I heart school visits!
Excitedly awaiting grades 5-8 at Empire Elementary!